<< night cycle is employed for growth using artificial light, an efficiency of up to five times compared to traditional agricultural practices might be achieved. Using Aeroponics, in which the roots of plants are suspended in dark boxes in which a vaporized nutrient solution is channeled, the growth efficiency can be even higher. Using hydroponics however, the plants evaporate more of the farm can use compost waste from the community as nutrients and energy conversion. Using the inedible parts of the grown plants as well as the compost influx energy can be generated using methane conversion to power the lights, assisted by Photovoltaics on the roof and built into the windows. There are various other ways of energy generation technologies that can be applied, as well as several light transmission techniques such as light tubes and tunnels to channel light further into the building than direct sunlight allows. Currently the most promising technique for using the compost is by extracting the methane and then use cogeneration as a conversion technique. By burning the methane electricity is generated as well as heat. The heat is then used for various tasks within the building itself and can provide neighboring buildings with heating and hot water as well. Even though burning would occur, this would be a carbon neutral solution since the carbon was sequestered by