home > Semester 3 > James Stirling and the Critical Turn
James Stirling and the Critical Turn
Kurt Forster / Claire Zimmerman

The turns of James Stirling's career relate closely to major shifts in postwar architecture, and his expansion of a distinctly British practice into an international idea factory helped challenge modernism's hold on European architecture. This seminar examines the different phases of Stirling 's work as well as the manner in which he helped alter how meaning in architecture is construed, how buildings perform as urban sites, and how they attain the status of icons. We investigated archival documents (held chiefly at the CCA in Montreal), round out a still tentative assessment of his projects and their impact on architecture worldwide, and develop the key themes for future exhibitions at the Yale Center for British Art and the School of Architecture planned for 2010.

This was a fantastic class, in which we worked through the various phases of Stirling's career looking at different aspects of his work. I took on his relationships with clients, and the influence it exerted on his work and his career path. On this I made a presentation, a diagram of his life, including projects and phases, and a paper.


A Diagram showing Stirling's life, professional phases, built and unbuilt work, partnerships and events.


  James Stirling Life Diagram


A paper focusing on James Stirling's client relationships, specifically those of the Leicester Engineering Faculty building and Olivetti's Training Center Extention.

James Stirling and his Clients (pdf, 2mb)

  James Stirling and Client Relationships



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