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Grey Lee, MSc.


Grey Lee




Sustainability Developer

Weakness: a beer or two in the afternoon
Enjoys: saving things from neglect

Areas of expertise:

  • Real Estate & Property Management
  • Appropriate Development 
  • Social Enterprise
  • Buddhist Economics

Location: Cambridge, MA.
email: Grey's email



Grey comes to Except to support the realization of projects through effectively meeting the needs of developers of sustainable communities to deliver market-sought solutions in the built environment.

He enjoys project design, planning and implementation management.  The complexities of city property markets can be met only by combining rigorous research into systems dynamics with earned wisdom and intuition of participant behavior patterns. He looks forward to supporting clients' realizations of their dreams.

In addition to real estate finance and project management, Grey is adept with general organizational management. He has worked as an extension agent in Brazil, an eco-development consultant in Greece, and a tour guide in Guatemala. Most recently, he retired from running an educational farm social enterprise and is the financial manager for his 11-person residential eco-cooperative in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Grey earned an MSc. in Real Estate Finance & Economics from the London School of Economics and a bachelors of science (cum laude) in Environmental Studies from the College of Agriculture at the University of Vermont (North America). He is a LEED AP and holds a certificate of Sustainable Design from the Boston Architecture College.

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