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Marten J. Witkamp


Tom Bosschaert




Sustainability Manager
Weakness: port
Enjoys: dancing to wild poly-rhythms

Areas of expertise:

  • system innovation and transition
  • social entrepreneurship
  • finance and economy
  • housing market
  • urban agriculture
  • group facilitation

Location: Rotterdam,
the Netherlands
email: ariana's email



Marten is the thoughtful type. Trusting his intuition and observation, he can quickly get to the heart of matters. With a penchant for creating solutions and a situational awareness of the operating field, he is all about precision aiming. Best results obtained after a match of squash or table tennis (or, if you’re really daring, pencak silat).

Having received a master’s degree in Innovation Sciences from Eindhoven University of Technology, Marten is well versed in a diverse set of disciplines and in finding ways to connect them to each other. Central theme is the evolution of societal systems. As such, he has worked on issues as diverse as social entrepreneurship, climate change, the Dutch housing sector, currency reform and landscape architecture, for and with clients such as The Hub, the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions and the Rathenau Institute. He feels privileged to have experienced living in various countries. 

Marten is a published author – both academic and in columns – and enjoys hosting groups of people and enabling them to flourish, interact and having a creative experience.

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