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Nels Nelson MSc


Nels Nelson




Urban Planner, Infrastructure Ecology
Weakness: Irony
Enjoys: Modeselector

Areas of expertise:

  • Urban ecology
  • Decentralized infrastructure
  • Spatial planning

Location: Rotterdam,
the Netherlands
email: ariana's email



Can urban form and structure positively influence people's lives? Nels thinks so, and he is building a better beehive. Developing avant-garde solutions for integrating environmental technology into urban complexity, his favorite tools are process flow diagramming, biological techniques, and restrained design.

Nels has been creating projects, including a district masterplan for a post-industrial harbor in Rotterdam, an innovative infrastructure scheme for resource recovery for an upcoming eco-neighborhood in The Hague, and a full-scale anaerobic digester upgrade in an African capital.

Nels is a native to Boston, Massachusetts, and has a background in design and a Master of Science in Urban Environmental Management from Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

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