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Rebecca Blum


Tom Bosschaert




Sustainability Developer
Weakness: Musicals
Enjoys: Subway Maps

Areas of expertise:

  • Urban Planning
  • Concept Development
  • Sustainable Urbanism

Location: Rotterdam,
the Netherlands
email: ariana's email



Rebecca has filled the long empty Except post of Concept-Mapper in Chief. Present any problem to her, and by the time you have finished your explanation, Rebecca will already be preparing her second draft of the concept map that has broken down each piece of the challenge you believed to be irreducibly complex.

A skilled navigator of continents and cultures, Rebecca is fascinated by differences and similarities between aesthetics, expectations, palettes, and senses of humor. She brings her wide-ranging interests, and geographically and conceptually diverse experiences to Except's plant-filled headquarters.

Rebecca has taught art classes in Rio de Janeiro, designed a class on green architecture for public schools throughout Brooklyn, written articles on the Copenhagen climate summit at the United Nations, and studied the subway as public space in Barcelona (while playing in a funk band).

She has a Masters in Urban Design from the University of Barcelona and a Bachelors in Modern Cultures and Media from Amherst College.

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