Staatsbosbeheer is commissioned by the Dutch government and manages a sizeable amount of the nature reserves in the Netherlands. They are responsible to manage and maintain 265.000 ha of forrest, nature, landscape, roads and buildings. On an annual base, they welcome 1.000.000 guests.
During the Leaders for Nature Forum of 2015 government, NGO's, corporations and knowledge institutes worked together to find joint solutions for our most pressing natural capital challenges.
Staatsbosbeheer is one of active green partners that join the Leaders for Nature platform and forum. This is their challenge: To come up with an innovative business case for nature management that includes inclusive thinking, replacing the traditional ways of compensating industrial or urban development by creating ‘new’nature at a substantial distance from the original, developing area.
Objective is not only to get financial carriers for nature en nature management, but –even more important- to create a sense of belonging and responsibility for a sustainable green environment and its contribution to health and happiness for people living and working in the area.