Except Integrated Sustainability
Except Integrated sustainability.
Flourish in a changing world.
Multi-disciplinary consulting, innovation and development organization working on advanced sustainability projects around the globe.

Anurag Bhambhani

Industrial Ecologist

Anurag Bhambhani


  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Material Flow Analysis
  • Tool development
  • Photovoltaics
  • Hydrology
  • Construction


  • Cooking
  • Reading history and science
  • Playing pool and Rock music


  • [javascript protected email address]

Anurag is part of the research team at Except Integrated Sustainability. He likes to combine multi-disciplinary knowledge to analyze interactions between natural and industrial systems,  and find cures. This involves understanding the causes and effects in our natural and industrial environments, and a fervent drive to make them more efficient and compatible.

Having lived most of his life in Nepal and India, he has observed the cost of industrial development on natural environments of these countries. What intrigues him the most is the question of how to reduce/eliminate these environmental costs, and yet reach a baseline level of national economic prosperity. The same macro level vision converts to a micro level one for companies and municipalities. At the core of his work and drive is the nostalgic memory of growing up in an environment blanketed with trees and grass, animals, birds, insects, and people living in a warm, dynamic harmony.

Anurag enjoys teaching and learning, and believes that the biggest stride in the direction of a safer and happier future is education. His aim for the future is to set up a learning lab where people can train and educate themselves in sustainability, through scientific and so-called indigenous knowledge.