Except Integrated Sustainability
Except Integrated sustainability.
Flourish in a changing world.
Multi-disciplinary consulting, innovation and development organization working on advanced sustainability projects around the globe.

Material Flow Analysis (MFA)

Service > Accounting for all material and energy streams

context mapping

Except conducts Material Flow Analyses as a foundation for sector roadmapping, industrial process design, sustainability strategy consulting, and many of our other core services. Material Flow Analysis can be performed on the level of a process, a building, a company, an industrial sector, a city, or even a whole nation. In simplest terms, it is the accounting for and evaluation of all the material and energy flows entering and leaving a given system.


Except Integrated Sustainability

Tom Bosschaert

Email  [javascript protected email address]
Phone   +31 10 7370215
“Except is a group of inspired people that works in a very innovative way. With Except's integrated approach they work on highly relevant issues, because they also take health and happiness into account, next to economy and ecology.”
-- Peter Oei
Program director, SIGN / InnovationNetwork
“After attending the SiD training, we used the systems- and network- related concepts and tools to mindmap the relationships of all the different sustainability areas of interest. The exercise greatly helped the Government we were advising to set the right priorities, and make budgeting decisions for their sustainability program.   ”
-- Mark Bouman
Director at Urban Reality