Except analyzes supply chains for their sustainability impact, reviewing financial, logistical, and social factors in addition to standard biophysical metrics. In our globalized economy, there is hardly a company that can consider itself independent from the international flow of materials, products, services, and people.
With goods exchanging hands so frequently, we often lose insight into the true costs, risks, and environmental impacts of the things we purchase from this global exchange system. Supply chain analysis sheds light on these complex interactions and what lies hidden between them. From these, we can determine effective steps towards impact improvement of your organization as a whole, by optimzing the supply chain.
Supply chain mapping is the first step in this process. It consists of mapping the supply chain both upstream (suppliers) and downstream (customers and consumers). These are often translated in beautiful visual maps that allow teams to oversee the whole supply chain. They create oversight and insight.
From this qualitative mapping, we determine where the largest imapcts are using the Symbiosis in Development (SiD) framework. We prioritize big impacts to quickly find potential improvement areas.
Once we know the major impacts, we can set out an improvement pathway/ By looking at the whole supply chain, we can find ways to improve performance by managing the stakeholders, suppliers, and customers. This often saves time and money compared to only looking at the organization's own impact, and can yield better results.
Sypply chain mapping and optimization can be part of a larger trajectory of sustainable organizational transition. rerad more about our A to Z programs here.
Welke sleutelprojecten zijn nodig om in het jaar 2040 een CO2 neutraal Nederland te kunnen bewerkstelligen? In het kader van Randstand 2040 onderzocht Except samen met POSAD dit vraagstuk en introduceerde een integrale strategische aanpak als raamwerk.
Dit onderzoeksproject bekijkt hoe de stadsbewoner het voedselsysteem beinvloedt. Het bekijke recente initiatieven die de status-quo aanvechten, en stelt een actieplan voor om de verbinding tussen consument en het voedselsysteem te versterken, en zo een sterkere economische verbinding te leggen tussen echte vraag en aanbod.
Het boekje van het onderzoek is gratis te downloaden.
IKEA Media Production engaged Except to showcase the sustainability achievements and ambitions of its 200-million-copy catalogue. Together we created a storytelling infographic for the IKEA customer-facing staff, and a data-packed dashboard for internal stakeholders such as store co-workers, catalogue responsibles, PR, social media, communication, sustainability and marketing managers and teams. The tools have been introduced to thousands of employees, permeating learning and awareness.
Tim Horsten
CSR Consultant / Ingenieur