Except Integrated Sustainability
Except Integrated sustainability.
Flourish in a changing world.
Multi-disciplinary consulting, innovation and development organization working on advanced sustainability projects around the globe.

Communication Strategy

Service > Telling your story


Except develops metrics, infographics, visualisations, animations and other tools to help you communicate what is important about your story to the essential stakeholders you want to reach.

Communication strategy is about how to communicate what message to who, at the right time, in the right way. It is about structuring what you want to say so that it comes across in the way you intended it, and so that it has the right effect. The 'right way' may be through images, movies, a game or workshops, or by leaving things out. 

Communication and marketing are considered from the earliest phases of all projects. This approach keeps the desired project outcome in clear focus throughout its development, and also ensures a clear and coherent process.

Our communication strategies are developed for private and public clients using teams of communication experts, designers, users and by involving stakeholders in the process wherever we can, so that we know wether or not it will work.

Examples of communication strategy are:

  • How to reach potential interested parties about implementing sustainable renovation practices in their homes
  • How to make large groups of people cooperate on solving a particular issue
  • How to introduce an innovative project idea to a specific audience


Greenprint Book

Example book of sustainability in the built environment

Greenprint features over 150 pages of innovations in our homes, cities and daily life. From eco-houses and neighborhoods to streetlamps activated by moonlight, social innovations, urban agriculture and much more. Greenprint shows how sustainability can change your world from the smallest to the biggest scale.

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Inspiration Book Sustainable Overschie

Quickscan of potential development options for urban redevelopment

Overschie is a neighborhood in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, with unique properties:

  • surrounded by highways and an airport
  • environmentally compromised
  • Public health challenges
  • a village within the city
  • high social capital

Social housing organization Woonstad and the city council of Overschie want to make this neighborhood more sustainable, but where do they start? To answer this question we did a quickscan of the neighborhood to find its opportunities and made a custom inspiration book filled with possibilities to work towards a sustainable city district. Read below for more info, and of course, download the book!

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Sustainable Water Innovation Game

A social cardgame to connect stakeholders in a fun setting

SWIG is a social cardgame with a sustainable wastewater processing theme. Players get to know each other, learn from each other, and discover as a group to invest in the opportunities that make wastewater processing more sustainable.

We developed the game mechanics in close collaboration with Det Norske Veritas (DNV) as part of their Wastewater Chain Roadmap (Routekaart Afvalwaterketen). The game is played with much enthousiasm in DNV's workshops today.

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IKEA Catalogue Story of Print

Interactive Story Telling Tools Promote Stakeholder Engagement

IKEA Media Production engaged Except to showcase the sustainability achievements and ambitions of its 200-million-copy catalogue. Together we created a storytelling infographic for the IKEA customer-facing staff, and a data-packed dashboard for internal stakeholders such as store co-workers, catalogue responsibles, PR, social media, communication, sustainability and marketing managers and teams. The tools have been introduced to thousands of employees, permeating learning and awareness.

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Except Integrated Sustainability

Tom Bosschaert

Email  [javascript protected email address] [javascript protected email address]
Phone   +31 10 7370215
“Except’s people storm the gates of heaven, work extremely hard and invest unbelievable amounts of energy into solving your problem, making it their own and getting to the bottom of it.”
-- Bart Verhagen
Development Manager, Estrade / Vestia Housing Corporation
“Except is a group of inspired people that works in a very innovative way. With Except's integrated approach they work on highly relevant issues, because they also take health and happiness into account, next to economy and ecology.”
-- Peter Oei
Program director, SIGN / InnovationNetwork